Swing Loan

A swing loan, also known as a bridge loan, is a short-term financing option designed to provide immediate funds to cover the gap between the purchase of a new property and the sale of an existing one. It allows homeowners and property investors to secure a new property quickly without having to wait for their current property to sell. Swing loans are typically secured against the borrower’s current property or the new property being purchased and are repaid once the existing property is sold or long-term financing is secured.

Importance of understanding swing loans

Quick access to funds

Swing loans provide fast access to funds, allowing borrowers to quickly secure new property and take advantage of time-sensitive opportunities.

Financial flexibility

These loans offer financial flexibility by allowing borrowers to move forward with new property purchases without having to sell their existing property first.

Avoiding delays

Swing loans help avoid delays in property transactions, ensuring a smoother and more efficient buying process.

Customisable terms

Swing loans often come with customisable terms, including the option to repay the loan once the existing property is sold.

Competitive advantage

Having access to a swing loan can give buyers a competitive advantage in the property market, enabling them to make strong, non-contingent offers on new properties.

Types of swing loans

Closed swing loans

Closed swing loans have a set end date by which the loan must be repaid. These loans are suitable for borrowers who have a clear exit strategy, such as a confirmed sale date for their existing property.

Open swing loans

Open swing loans do not have a fixed repayment date and are more flexible. They are suitable for borrowers who have not yet secured a buyer for their existing property but need funds to purchase a new property.

Key components of swing loans

Loan amount

The loan amount is the total amount borrowed and is usually based on the equity in the borrower’s existing property or the value of the new property being purchased.

Interest rate

Swing loans typically come with higher interest rates compared to traditional mortgages due to the short-term nature and higher risk involved.

Loan term

The loan term for swing loans is usually short, ranging from a few weeks to a year. The exact term depends on the borrower’s needs and the lender’s policies.

Repayment terms

Repayment terms for swing loans can vary. Some loans require monthly interest payments, while others allow the interest to be rolled up and paid at the end of the loan term.


Swing loans are secured against the borrower’s existing property or the new property being purchased. This collateral reduces the lender’s risk and determines the loan amount available.

Exit strategy

An exit strategy is a plan for repaying the swing loan, typically involving the sale of the existing property or securing long-term financing.

Pros and cons of swing loans


  • Quick access to funds: Swing loans provide fast access to funds, allowing borrowers to secure new properties quickly.
  • Financial flexibility: These loans offer the flexibility to purchase new property without having to sell the existing property first.
  • Avoid delays: Swing loans help avoid delays in property transactions, ensuring a smoother buying process.
  • Customisable terms: Borrowers can customise loan terms to fit their specific needs and financial situation.
  • Competitive advantage: Access to a swing loan can give buyers a competitive edge in the property market.


  • Higher interest rates: Swing loans typically have higher interest rates compared to traditional mortgages, increasing the overall cost.
  • Short-term nature: The short repayment term can be challenging for some borrowers, especially if the existing property takes longer to sell.
  • Risk of foreclosure: Failure to repay the loan on time can result in foreclosure on the secured property.
  • Additional fees: Swing loans may come with various fees, such as arrangement fees, legal fees, and valuation fees.
  • Potential for financial strain: Managing two properties simultaneously can be financially demanding.

Applications of swing loans

Property purchase

Swing loans are commonly used to finance the purchase of new property while awaiting the sale of an existing property, ensuring a seamless transition.

Swing loans for renovation and refurbishment

Property investors and developers use swing loans to fund renovations and refurbishments, adding value to properties before selling or refinancing.

Auction purchases

Swing loans are ideal for auction purchases, where quick access to funds is required to secure the property within a short timeframe.

Business opportunities

Businesses use swing loans to take advantage of time-sensitive opportunities, such as acquiring new premises or expanding operations.

Financial emergencies

In cases of financial emergencies, swing loans provide immediate funds to cover urgent expenses or liabilities.

Swing loan in action

Consider a homeowner in Sydney looking to purchase a new property for $1,000,000 while their current property, valued at $800,000, is up for sale. They apply for a swing loan to cover the down payment and bridge the gap until their existing property is sold. The key aspects of this swing loan scenario include:

  1. Current property value: $800,000
  2. New property purchase price: $1,000,000
  3. Loan amount: $500,000 (secured against the current property)
  4. Interest rate: 8% per annum
  5. Loan term: 6 months
  6. Repayment: The loan will be repaid in full once the existing property is sold.

By obtaining the swing loan, the homeowner can proceed with the purchase of the new property without waiting for the sale of their current property.

Connection to financial planning

Swing loans are an essential tool in financial planning for homeowners and property investors. Financial planners help clients assess their financing needs, evaluate loan options, and develop exit strategies to ensure timely repayment. Understanding the role of swing loans ensures that borrowing decisions align with immediate financial needs and long-term financial goals.

Learn more

For more information on swing loans and their implications, visit the following resources:

  1. Fast bridging loans: accelerating property transactions
  2. Apply for a bridging loan
  3. ASIC Moneysmart: Home Loans


Swing loans provide quick and flexible financing solutions for homeowners and property investors looking to purchase new property while awaiting the sale of an existing one. Understanding the key components, benefits, and potential drawbacks of swing loans is essential for making informed financial decisions. Whether for property purchases, renovations, or business opportunities, swing loans play a vital role in managing short-term financial needs. By effectively using swing loans, borrowers can address immediate financial challenges, secure new properties, and achieve their long-term financial goals.

DISCLAIMER: The information provided on this page is for general informational and educational purposes only and is never intended as financial advice. While we strive to ensure that the content is accurate and up-to-date, it may not reflect the most current legal or financial developments. Always consult with a qualified financial advisor or professional before making any financial decisions. Use the information at your own risk.


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